Author: raphael
Painting with Live Colours
An article for Swiss Future 1/2021 about the art practice of Sujit Mallik, member of the Delhi based art group WALA. Art has the potential to point to the future through experimenting and struggling with the contemporary by opposing it defiantly. While the art market has become internationally commercialised, artists regain their autonomy by breaking free…
AMRO 2020 — online
Don’t miss AMRO 2020 — wherever you are in the world. 20 – 23 May 2020 live on My workshop is on Thursday 21.5. at 16h Missed the fabulous festival? Have a look at the playlist on
Streamt besser! – Von Shusha Niederberger
Zwei lesenswerte Texte (1, 2) von Shusha Niederberger zum Streaming während des Lockdowns.
SAR2020 in Bergen — Canceled
Unfortunately, the SAR2020 conference in Bergen titled ‘Crisis Collective’ fell victim to the Corona crisis. I was very excited to go there, present my work and interact. I completely understand and support the decision and am nevertheless curious about what form the alternative to the conference format may take. Part of the good that can…
Refaire le Monde – Book Presentation
Presentation of the publication documenting the three part exhibition series at Helmhaus Zurich in 2018. In which I had the pleasure to participate in the first part, Refaire le Monde * POSITION. Thursday, 12. Dezember 2019, 18.30 Uhr Helmhaus, Limmatquai 31, 8001 Zürich Diaphenes Verlag
Media Arts in Switzerland
I have the pleasure to be included in the following publication: Medienkunst in der Schweiz / Media Arts in Switzerland Pioniere, Bastler, Provokateure / Pioneers, Tinkerers, Provocateurs April 2018, 108 Seiten, 51 meist farbige Abbildungen, Klappenbroschur, 16,5 x 23 cm, Deutsch/Englisch ISBN 978-3-85616-867-4 Christoph Merian Verlag Migros-Kulturprozent Dominik Landwehr