The documentation of a socially engaged, artistic research project on the informal e-waste recycling / Zurich & Delhi 2015–2019. 242 pages, soft cover, English, color images, 148 x 210mm
Edited by Raphael Perret with contributions from: Boris Magrini, Brij Kishore, Felix Stalder, Nadja Baldini, Priti Mahesh, Raphael Perret, Shusha Niederberger
Comics by Orijit Sen, Vidyun Sabhaney, Moriangthem Jagadish Singh, Anupam Arunachalam
Project Team: Priti Mahesh, Brij Kishore, Suresh Kaushel, Prof. Dr. Avinash Kumar, Joice Varghese, Ankita Singh, Johny K.D., Kavita Gehlot, Neha Yadav, Nadja Baldini, Boris Magrini, Raphael Perret
Designed by Raphael Perret and Nadine Wüthrich
I think the patrons of our library will agree that this is the trashiest book in our collection (and I mean that in a good way), and also a very useful one. — Mark Simon, The Library of Congress
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Material Zurich
Amsel Verlag
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Material, Klingenstrasse 23, 8005 Zurich
A big thank you to all, who made the project and the book possible. Paul Schiller Stiftung, Pro Helvetia, Migros Kulturprozent, Erna und Curt Burgauer Stiftung, Georges und Jenny Bloch Stiftung, Felix Haldimann, SRI, Empa, World Resources Forum, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO, Stadt Zürich Kultur, Crafft, Vogt-Schild Druck AG, Edubook AG